Refund Policy

BillBlogger Academy Inc., as the copyright owner of Search Traffic Mastery, provides the following refund policy:

1. EBooks: There is no refund for our eBooks, which results from being an intangible product that’s quick to consume.

We will continue to try as much as possible to explain what information our eBook provides and what value you will get to make an informed purchase decision.

2. Online courses: There is a refund for the online courses program. It is limited to 72 hours after purchase. We shall disapprove refunds after 72 hours.

3. Coaching and mentorship programs: There is a refund for online coaching and mentorship programs. It is limited to 4 weeks of coaching and mentorship sessions after purchase. There will be no refund after 4 weeks of coaching and mentorship sessions.

4. Elite membership club: There is a refund for the elite membership club. It’s also limited to 30 days after purchase, and there is no after 30 days.

NOTE: Any purchasing decision shows you agree to the terms of our refund policy.

We reserve the right to change or modify the refund policy without prior notice.

How to seek a refund

1. Let the email subject read: Refund for [the product name].

2. Make your message straight to the point and as short as possible.

3. Send it to


Updated: 25 – August – 2023

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