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How to Migrate from Blogger to WordPress

In This Post

You’re ready to migrate from Blogger to WordPress.

You want to embrace the WordPress culture after getting acquitted with the enormous benefit it’ll impact your blogging business.

move_from_Blogger_to_Wordpress_BillBloggerYou’re truly right …

Before i delve further, click this for video guide if you love practical visuals.

Now, to migrate from Blogger to WordPress, here are the steps to take.

Step 1: Open The Blog Administrative Space

Log-in to the administrative portal of both Blogger and WordPress. Read this If you haven’t set up WordPress blog.

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Step 2: Back-up Blogger Content

To back up, locate Settings by the left side and click it.

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It sub-menus will open; then, click Other.

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At the top left corner, you’ll see Import & back up; click Back up Content and click save to your computer.

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Step 3: How To Import Content To WordPress

Head over to your WordPress blog, at the plugin section, click Add New and search for “Blogger Importer Extended”.

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Install and activate the plugin.

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Move over to Tools, click Import and Run Importer.

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Click Ok, let’s go!

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You’ll be prompted to Sign in to the Google account used for the Blogger blog.

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Choose your account or you sign in at fresh and click Allow.


Click on your blog name, for instance: “Fast Ways to Loss your Weight”.

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The Start Import menu will appear.

You can choose either Convert formatting or Preserve slugs.

Convert formatting: This means your posts will be re-arranged and change to what is being configured and design at WordPress after complete importation.

Preserve slugs: A slug is a structural format for blog web address.

For instance:

Therefore Preserve slugs simply means, your blog posts web addresses will retain the same structural format after complete importation which will be based on the configuration settings established for WordPress.

For instance for WordPress blog, if the permalink was configured as:

After completion importation, only the date will be removed.

Here is how it’ll look:



Thus, I recommend you uncheck Convert formatting to retain an almost original design you gave it on Blogger.

This helps you to examine the design again on the new WordPress, to understand the look and feel and make final reviews for likely changes to redesign.

Also, leave Preserve slugs checked to minimize back-links error and redirection problem.

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Click Start Import and you’ll observe all your posts, pages, comments, images, and links will be migrated to your new WordPress blog.

After successful importation, you’ve the option to choose either the old blogger author as publishing name or the new WordPress author.

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If you want to retain the old blogger author, create a new username with password.

To do this, add your username in Create a new one and click Assign authors.

But if you decide to choose the current WordPress author, which is already showing in the box, click Assign authors.

Step 4: How To Retain Blogger Web Addresses On The New WordPress Blog And Every Web.

To preserve every web address and back-links outside your blog, install and activate the plugin: Blogger 301 redirect.

There are 2 approaches to this plugin.

The first approach:

If you used a customize blogger template, head over to your blogger theme and back it up.

Click Theme, and then, click Backup/Restore.

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Then, click Edit HTML

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Go back to your WordPress blog, click on Settings, then, Blogger 301 redirect.

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Copy the code with the title “Using new Blogger Template”.

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Paste it in the box, then, click save theme.

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Next, click on mobile settings, click “No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices.” and click save.

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The Second approach is for free blogger template also known as the classic template.

After following every step like the first approach by backing up the theme, where you’ll click Theme and click Backup/Restore.

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Scroll down, click Revert to classic themes, and click the button “Revert to the classic theme”.

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Scroll up and click Edit HTML, copy the code gotten from WordPress Blogger 301 redirect and paste it.

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Click Save theme

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In addition, on WordPress Blogger 301 redirect page, check these options:

a. Redirect Blogger Post feeds to WordPress feeds (Recommended)

b. Redirect Blogger Comment feeds to WordPress feeds (Recommended)

c. Redirect Blogger archives to WordPress (Recommended) and click Save changes as well.

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With this process, every back-link (web addresses) of your blog on every websites it has been shared such as Facebook, Twitter and any other place your web addresses are, even on search engines will easily be redirected back to your new WordPress blog.

That’s the step by step guide towards successfully migrating from blogger to your new WordPress blog.

Follow these steps strictly and you’ll be fine.

Welcome in advance to WordPress … to professional blogging.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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