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How to Create A Professional Email Address For Your Blog

In This Post

You’ve got a WordPress blog and want to create a professional email address such as “”.

Know that cPanel is a platform that manages nearly all your blog components such as email account, files, speed, storage space, security and etc. Therefore, it houses email creation and management.

Steps to Create A Professional Email address

Step 1: Log-in to the cPanel platform

1a. To log-in, there is a piece of information your hosting provider will send to you.

Look through it, there is a section titled cPanel.

The web address will appear like –

Or any web address provided.

Visit the web address and a web page like the image below will emerge.


1b. Input the provided username and password & click the Log in button.

You’ll be driven to another web page.


You’ve successfully logged in to your cPanel.

Step 2: How to Create the Email Address

2a. Look for the “Mail” section.

It’s most likely positioned as the second category.


2b. Click “Email Accounts


2c. You’ll be driven to a web page that manages nearly everything about your email accounts which include creating a new email address.


2d. To create new email address, input an Email ID in the rectangular box “Email

For example: “Kunle”, demo, info, admin, support and etc.

2e. Input your password in the second rectangular box “Password:” and input it again in the third box: “Confirm Password:”.

You can as well click “Password Generator“; it’ll create a strong password.

2f. Allocate storage space to this newly created email address by specifying a figure or check “unlimited”.

2g. Finally, click “Create Account” and wait for a few seconds to be created.

When successful, it’ll appear under “Account @ Domain” sub-section such as “

This is a clear process to create a new email address.


Note: The hosting provider determines how many emails addresses you can create.

It can be limited or unlimited.

Step 3: How to check if you’ve got an Email.

It’s almost like checking Gmail or Yahoo but this time, with a little twist.

There are 2 options to achieve this.

The First option:

3a. In Email Account section, scroll down to the sub-section Account @ Domain where the new email address created is positioned.

3b. In the far-right end, you’ll see the “More” button.

Click it and a drop-down menu with (Access Webmail, Configure Email Client and etc.) will appear.


3c. Click “Access Webmail” and the web page to access your inbox will emerge.

3d. There are 3 email platforms: horde, roundcube, & SquirrelMail.


Click on any (the image Logo) and you’ll have immediate access to your email box.

I prefer roundcube and this option of checking email because it’s easier to achieve my goal with fewer steps than the second option which I’m about to explain next.


A Quick Update: SquirrelMail has been omitted as an email platform

3e. With accessibility, you can now check your inbox, send emails and perform other things.


The second option:

3f. Right on the “Mail” section on the cPanel home page, click on “Webmail”.


3g. You’ll be taken to the Webmail page.

Click “Log In To Webmail” button.


3h. You’ll arrive at a Log in a web page.

3i. Input your complete email address (, password and click the Log in button.


3j. You’ll arrive again at the 2 different email platforms as I explained in the first option.

Choose any platform and you’re good to go.

Step 4: How to send an email.

If you’re able to check your email address, you’ll be able to send an email.

Click the button “compose” and craft your message.



These are the simple step-by-step guide to create a customized and professional email address for your blog, check your inbox and send emails using cPanel.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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