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How To Become Successful Blogging About Your Business

In This Post

If you fail while playing a game, next time you will become courteous and more likely to perform better.

To become successful at blogging about your business, these are decisions you must execute to win the game.

They’re fool-proof lessons I learnt in my failure and ignorance days. I wish I knew better when I started.

Read and take action.

1. Offer 

You must have something to sell. 

I am not talking about product or service; this could be anything you want to achieve.

It could be anything you want people to embrace; it is your core business goal.

For example, I want you to embrace business blogging and discover the great value it has in growing your business now, not tomorrow.

Answer the question:

– Why are you in business?

– What are you bringing to the table or our world (I like to put it that way)?

– What do you stand for which you like to take up as a personal business?

This is what you are selling (the real offer).

This offer can be model as subject

Everything is a subject, whether you are selling an idea, physical product or service, see it as a subject.

Assume you are selling baby care product. 

You must be knowledgeable about the subject: baby care.

This reason is you’ll be educating and enlightening people about the subject “baby care” and its product.

So, when it comes to blogging successfully at your business, you have to clearly define your offer and make it known to people in the simplest terms.  

2. Invisible

What has made me successful arises from an activity I have been developing a passion for overtime.

I didn’t get to this level overnight. 

I’ve been nurturing my idea silently, developing my talent, building it into skills and profitable business.

Passion is that invisible power. 

You can’t see it but only feel it and you must embrace it as well to become successful at blogging about your business.

The more you work on the blogging activities, the more you will like to do it again and again and again and your passion increase.

“Money follows passion – not the other way around.” – David Garland

3. Original 

To become successful blogging about your business, you must be laser-focus on what you stand for and your goal.

Many life situations will warrant you to drift but don’t look back, stay on your lane and keep moving.

If you get caught-up and drift from the lane and realized you have wasted time and energy.

Instead, buckle up and quickly start doing the right thing by getting back on your lane.

Be laser-focus is the message. I have had my share of experience and lessons from other people as well.

You will be wise if you agree with my thought and exercise laser-focus.

While you get back on your lane, don’t relent until you achieve success out of what gives you the joy to enlighten, practice and impact people.

You’re not doing it for today or for the short-term, but for the future.

“You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” – Les Brown

You have to be real when you are blogging about your business. Use personal life stories and happening to convey your message.

Show uniqueness in every aspect of your blogging activities.

This can be in writing style, audio and video presentation, website design, and audience engagement; you must be distinct.

Don’t copy someone else.

Create a unique mark for yourself and your business.

That’s freedom!

“Bring the best of your authentic self to every opportunity.” John Jantsch

4. Frequency

You must be breathing out quality content in any format (article, video, audio or visual image) you can afford on a consistent basis either weekly or monthly.

This can be hard to achieve but it is important. It gives room for publishing calendar.

5. Capacity development

You can’t give more than what you don’t have. Don’t feel bad about it but it makes continuous learning almost compulsory.

Application of what you have learnt to solve any current problem is what makes it golden.

To become successful at blogging about your business, you have to keep developing your capacity in your area of specialization.

You must keep reading and thinking about your subject, and generate different innovative strategies to improve your skill.

“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” – Jim Rohn

6. Solve the problem 

You must be a problem solver. 

Though, as a business fellow, you are already solving a problem with your ideas, product or service.

You must provide clear answers to questions your consumer want to know.

You must strive to develop a friendly relationship with your readers, so they can throw their problems at you for better answers and judgment.

7. Social interaction

As part of the mechanism to be successful blogging about your business is to give room for readers to interact with you through comments and contact form.

The articles and social media posts you have published must stimulate readers to make comments either by asking a question or make their own suggestion.

“Don’t build links. Build relationships.” – Rand Fishkin

8. Altruism

Though you are in business to make a serious profit, nevertheless, this shouldn’t be your sole aim.

You should have a bigger aim for going into business.

This has been proven to be better and makes a business successful.

What motivated most successful bloggers is the passion to build value first for free without expecting any reward but the reward will come back. 


To be successful blogging about your business, you must embrace the process – it is the law of success.

Before you bring an offer into the market, make sure it is quality and it solves a problem. 

And treat the offer as a subject. It makes blogging about it simpler.

And before you can build a quality product or service, you must’ve been developing your capacity. 

So it takes growing passion, focuses with uniqueness, the spirit of altruism, frequency at publishing and quality social interaction to arrive at a grand scale.

I hope you find this article enriching for willing to start blogging about your business.

Do you agree with these successful tips about blogging about your business are about wearing a new attitude?

Share your thought below, let me know what you think about it. 

“Stop selling. Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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