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How to Host your Business Blogging Website

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Web hosting is the second requirement for establishing your business blogging website after domain name registration.

To understand web hosting, imagine your website as a physical office. The land used to erect an office building and store goods and office equipment for business purpose is web hosting.

Technically, web hosting is a hosting service provider who allocates a web server to store a website and its contents for accessibility and viewing online anytime anywhere.

Website contents stored are documents, texts, images, videos, audios, HTML files and all sort of web files that make the website function properly as a medium for accessing information and communication.

Apart from storing assets, the web hosting service provider has a greater responsibility to manage the security of the web server from attackers and hackers.

Nevertheless, you share in the duty and responsibility of securing your website as well.

WordPress as a web hosting platform

WordPress is the most popular tool used for storing content and making it accessible anytime.

It’s a software tool for creating, editing and publishing content on a website. This is called content management system.

Of all the content management system, WordPress has almost 63.6% market share using it.

It has powered hundreds of millions of blogs. This figure is rising every day as the software gets better, simpler and easier to use.

There are 2 types of WordPress

1. The hosted WordPress ( and

2. The self-hosted WordPress (

The hosted WordPress means your blog will be hosted by WordPress itself. It has free and paid offer.

The free version looks like this:

The paid version is:

A self-hosted WordPress means a third-party web hosting service provider such as Bluehost or Namecheap will host your blog for a specific period of time either monthly or yearly.

Why self-hosted blog is better than hosted version for your business blogging

1. Multiple streams of income

Free hosted WordPress blog restrict the use of Google AdSense. Also, many advertising programs refuse to issue advert placement license. Thereby, you will be losing money on a daily basis even if you have a growing traffic.

Nevertheless, WordPress has an advertising program called WordAds. But they made it compulsory for ads to appear with no option for removal.

In addition, other income opportunities such as paid advert and sponsored post might never materialize because of cheap perception the blog portrays.

A free hosted WordPress don’t allow affiliate marketing. This is part of their terms and condition.

If you try it, the blog can either be suspended or shut down completely upon several warnings. You can imagine the loss of content and followers this will cause.

And there might be no opportunity for content back up, thus losing followers and other assets built over the years.

Even if there is an opportunity for backup, the cost will probably be equal to what you must have spent hosting the WordPress blog from the outset.

2. Design and customization

Free hosted WordPress don’t allow premium theme.

A theme influence the blog overall outlook, design, and functionality. It allows for customization to a concept you envisioned.

What increases trust and credibility in a blog is its contents. Therefore, strive for quality and relevant contents. Publish what you’ve got and let readers be the judge.

This is evident by a research conducted by Mitt Ray.

What follows after quality and relevant content is design?

The outlook and design of a blog increases its trust and credibility.

Visitors don’t like to feel confused looking for what they want. You have to display information in the simplest, logical and organized manner with easy accessibility.

A well-customized and professional blog that fulfill readers taste will increase trust and credibility in their heart. Thus, this increases your business growth and value.

You will achieve this aim for beautiful, professional and well-customized blog using a self-hosted WordPress blog.

Premium built themes contains beautiful design, navigation, layout and better user experience for your visitors.

You can create a theme from scratch using conceptual design you like and it will look personalized and customized for your blog alone.

3. Better features and functionality

There are features and functionality important for blog growth. You won’t have them using the free hosted WordPress.

They are:

3a. Community growth tool: There are tools for building and growing community through the social media network and email subscribers.

Community building is important to the growth of business blogging.

Community helps you have a better relationship and bring prospects. This is where most sales are achieved.

3b. Search engines configuration and settings is an important functionality you can’t toil with.

This can only be done in self-hosted WordPress blog.

This configuration helps posts get found on search engines which generate free traffic.

Search traffic is one of the best, affordable and the most quality traffic you can generate from the internet.

The traffic is in similitude with demand and supply. I want this, and this is it.

The competition on search traffic is enormous. Thus, it will be competitively hard for a free hosted WordPress blog to appear on the first page of search result along with self-hosted WordPress blog.

But with self-hosted WordPress blog, you can get first page search appearance.

3c. A self-hosted WordPress blog has the functionality to design a quality landing page.

A landing page is a web-page dedicated towards product advertisement campaign with one “call-to-action” button as sole purpose for the page.

It contains no navigation menu, no header and no footer but one clickable call-to-action button. An example is “sign up now” or “order now”.

Thus, a landing page is important as the gateway to business blogging revenue growth.

A free hosted WordPress blog doesn’t have this kind of functionality that’s vital for business blogging success.

3d. A self-hosted WordPress blog makes it easier to create beautiful contact page for visitors to send a private message.

You can’t do this with a free hosted WordPress.

These are few of the features and functionalities of self-hosted WordPress blog.

4. Self-hosted WordPress blog has great autonomy

To be in complete control of a blog you have struggled and worked hard to build, a self-hosted WordPress blog is the right choice.

You can customize it into anything you want.

You can do anything with it within your terms and condition.

That’s the power of a self-hosted WordPress blog.

You have the assurance that no organization will delete or temporarily suspend your blog.

There is no fear and intimidation of bypassing an organization terms and condition.

You define your rights and terms. You do your thing how you want it.

5. Powerful and professional brand

Do you know what makes a lion become the king of the jungle? It’s in its package.

If other animals know they have the same potential, they would have wrestle and overpower the jungle.

I’m talking about your blog being distinct, unique and elegant.

A self-hosted WordPress blog allows for professional outlook and elegance while you strive for quality content and reputation.

Benefits of Bluehost Web-Hosting – a self-hosted WordPress blog hosting service

Bluehost is one of the best web-hosting service providers for self hosted WordPress blog.  

Apart from the 50 GB storage space, other benefits are:

1. You have access to unlimited bandwidth of traffic. It means bluehost can manage the traffic operations whether there is sudden surge or gradual growth of traffic.


2. Bluehost gives free 12-month domain name registration.

Though it appears helpful, nevertheless, your precious domain name still belongs to them.

You don’t have complete ownership yet based on their terms and conditions.

Thus, before you accept this freebie, understand their terms and conditions

Instead, buy your domain name and have complete power and control.

Nevertheless, the free offer is for the first year, subsequently, you start paying for renewals.

3. Bluehost gives free SSL certificate.

SSL certificate is what protect your website from hackers. It’s important for website that accepts and process credit card payment. Also, it’s important for a blog that allows readers to make comment and subscribe to their offers.

A website with a SSL certificate will have the padlock sign on the address bar and it starts with “https”. It signifies a secured website.

4. You have access to create 5 customize email address.

5. You can create 25 sub-domains name such as,, etc.

6. Bluehost has a feature for setting up WordPress blog at one-click of a button. As a result, you can start publishing quality content.

This is helpful if you lack the technical know-how about WordPress blog set up.

7. Bluehost has good customer service support system. There is live chat, support call and customer service ticket.


When it comes to hosting your business blogging website, a self hosted version is the best.

It has tremendous benefits for revenue growth and business success.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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