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How to Become a Successful Business Blogger

In This Post

In other to become a successful blogger, the most suitable way to learn is to study how successful bloggers did it.

The ideas I will be sharing are from personal experiences, what l learnt from successful bloggers and what they shared as secrets to their success stories.

1. Openness


I had meeting with a client who wanted to start blogging. She had overcome a deadly disease. As a result, she wanted to enlighten people about her journey, prevention, treatments, etc.

But she prefers anonymous blogging.

I advised she can do that, nevertheless, her work will garner greater honour and prestige if she can openly share her knowledge and journey with people.

As a blogger who desire success, even if you are an introvert like me, strive to be open.

This blogging job is about guiding and transforming people.

You have to love sharing information, experiences and expertise. Even if the information is premium, place it for sale.

As far as you are confident, it will solve people’s problem. If your solution has passed through testing and beta-testing, give it out at a premium price.

Many successful bloggers practice openness.

Some share personal stories and information outside their subject of interest. They find it helpful and beneficial to their targeted audience.

In return, their value and influence increases. Nevertheless, your privacy is allowed. What you consider “private” can be what I will gladly share with the public.

But don’t let it become so bad that you won’t be able to share and teach what you think will be beneficial.

Remember, if you don’t do it and make the best use of the knowledge you have, another blogger will do the exact same thing and grab all the fame, prestige and wealth from it.

Be open-minded!

Be helpful!

2. Passion


Passion is the strong feelings for expressing your opinion on a topic. It can be exhibited through teaching, enlightenment, coaching, and offering products or services.

To discover your passion, be yourself.

It is a sign of personal integrity. It makes you think outside the box.

You have a unique voice, personality, and contribution to your industry. Don’t sway from it; express your mind instead.

How to discover your passion

According to Farrah Gray, he suggested 3 questions if you want to discover your passion.

They are:

a) What comes easy to you but hard for another person?

What do you enjoy doing which friends, colleagues, and relatives always compliment you for – saying you do an outstanding job?

You engage in many activities every day, but next time, be observant. Perhaps you consider this activity cheap and easy to do but it is not the case for many people.

Think about it and you will discover something.

b) What can you do non-stop even if you don’t mind getting paid for it?

Which activity do you passionately do which you don’t care about the reward or money?

You accept anything as reward even if it’s “thank you” only.

Think about it. It is high time you built skills around it and turn it into a seriously package online business.

c) What do you enjoy doing as a form of service and giving back to your community?

Do you have passion for community service?

Is it educating toddlers, teaching adult’s basic education, engaging in social welfare or anything that brings contribution to the society for better co-existence?

You can do it better when converted into a profitable online business.

Thus, with discovery of your passion, utilize blogging as a social media platform to communicate it to your targeted audience.

Use it to build relationship and community. This way, you are building a profitable online business for the future.

What successful bloggers say about passion?


a. I started blogging out of interest and I never put any advertisements … I had no idea what AdSense is and what SEO is ….. Harsh Agarwal of Shoutmeloud

b. Don’t let external factors dictate your success, focus on what you could control: your attitude ….. Jeff Goins of Goinswriter

c. That money can’t buy you happiness but sharing your knowledge on a subject you love can ….. Darren Rowse of ProBlogger

In summary, what you can learn from the blogging gurus is why you started blogging (the purpose) is better than the money.

1. Harsh Agarwal started blogging out of an interesting subject. This has an element of personal feeling called passion.

2. Jeff Goins said you should engage in an activity you have absolute control over.

The power of passion is in the difference between what you love and what you don’t. This is your attitude and lifestyle.

3. Darren Rowse is of the opinion you shouldn’t chase the money first but the knowledge you are passionate about.

The reason is knowledge is hard to acquire but with passion, acquisition of it becomes easier.

In business blogging, you have to build value first in the form of free and premium product before money will come.

Also, a clear and defined purpose for your business blogging with detailed plan makes the venture profitable.

3. Patience


If you had had patience in everything you have achieved, blogging shouldn’t be an exception.

Many bloggers quit business blogging out of impatience. You must agree blogging is not a get-rich quick job.

It’s not a job you will get thousands of visitors per day consistently from the outset. It has growth process like a planted tree and you must follow the rules.

It takes time …..Patience!

Blogging requires steadfastness, experimentation, re-strategizing and re-testing.

So, keep working on your website, publish quality and relevant contents and promote them.

For example: Linda Ikeji blogged for 4 years with no income. And she is one of the top Nigeria blogger till date.


One of the leading bloggers in India, Harsh Agarwal started his blog as a form of hobby and he never made money for some time.

Heather Armstrong blogged with no income stream for 3 years. These bloggers are successful today because of patience.

You must exercise patience to be successful.

Don’t give up!

If you see it, you can do it.

4. Focus


Start blogging with the niche subject you have strength, experience, and expertise on.

This niche subject will become the center of attraction where your energy will be well utilized while you hire people to do the rest of the job.

Thus, Follow One Cause Until Successful.

Successful bloggers are identified with this behaviour called focus. It’s wise you embrace it as well.

5. Risk taker

Give it a try, you won't FALL

There is no business without risks.  It’s the consequence of our actions and decisions. It could either lead to a good or bad result, both are beneficial.

So expect risks, failures, and challenges in your journey to emerge as a successful business blogger.

It will make you grow and become great.

At first, you may not get the business model right, but as you build and improve, you will get the right model unique for your business.

This will translate into better result and popularity that takes efforts from competitors to beat.

6. Consistency


Look at your achievements; how committed you were at reaching them.

The journey weren’t smooth sailing but the experiences have increased your knowledge and make you stand firm.

The same mindsets must be adapted to business blogging.

To be a successful blogger, you have to consistently practice what you have learnt. It requires continuous learning, creating new strategies and taking actions.

You have to research and create quality contents.

There is no perfect blog anywhere. I keep updating mine for relevance and targeted reader’s satisfaction. That’s consistency.

7. Originality


Blogging requires originality, creative and quality content.

To achieve this, it involves innate thought, ideas, expression, and style with any content format (video, text, audio or visuals).

Your published content is what attract visitors and encourages them to come back for more.

This increases traffic and popularity which results into consistent income through advertorial, digital or physical goods and services.

Also, Google and other search engine service providers prefer original, engaging and relevant contents.

It is one of their important criteria for organizing web-pages. If your website gets listed on the first page, it will lead to increased traffic.

Therefore, stand out among the rest of bloggers in the industry. Don’t copy anybodies content you think is successful.

8. Entrepreneurship


An entrepreneur is a problem solver. You will be providing solutions through contents and not all will be free.

You will study them, understand their needs, struggles, problems and provide it in premium.

For instance, if out of 3 advertorial slots, one has increase in demand, then, increase its price and observe the demand rate.

In that process, you are getting into the root of its worth.

Also, advertorial price plan divided into months, quarterly, half a year will bring better value strategy.

Thus, make sure you apply entrepreneurial skills to your business blogging by watching out for the dots and connecting them.

Successful bloggers are entrepreneurial in spirit.

9. Research and read


Reading blogs related to your niche subject is one of the effective ways to improve your writing and boost your knowledge.

Not only blogs, read books, scientific and industry magazine; watch TV, listen to radio and audio-books.

What you read, watch and listened to will fuel your imagination and broaden your mind.

This will eventually shape how you write and deliver valuable contents and services.

10. Learn SEO

To become a successful blogger, you have to master the art of search engine optimization (SEO).

Don’t neglect website search optimization because of competition. Optimize it for search users no matter how competitive is the keyword.

Truly, it is very competitive to rank on the first page but the benefit that comes with it is enormous.

When it comes to getting serious targeted readers who will become regular readers, email subscribers and buyers, search engines are the best channels.

It is free and one of the greatest forms for consistent traffic.

You won’t spend money to get it but it involves doing some background work.

If you have the budget to generate traffic through social media marketing and advertisement, it will complement the optimized posts created for search users.

This is because one of the criteria search engines use to rank your website is popularity. You can get it from social media traffic and shares such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.

Why waste money on social media marketing and advertisement without optimizing your website for search engine users in the first place?

Therefore, learn how to optimize each of your blog posts with the right keywords for search engine users.

11. Network


Successful bloggers are great networkers.

You have to invest time to write articles for other blogs (guest posting).

You can join a discussion forum in your niche. Join a Facebook group with raving fans and leave meaningful and helpful comments.

You can follow bloggers on Twitter, like and retweet the tweets you fancy, create rapport and friendly relationship.

If there are live conferences, seminars or webinars, register to attend.

By always doing these, you are creating awareness and networking opportunities for your business, thereby building trust and community.

12. Keep an effective calendar


Successful bloggers have this trait for keeping a publishing calendar that cut across their blog website and their social media platforms.

A detailed daily or weekly schedule helps with consistent publishing. This improves community engagement.

You have to schedule time to create contents and promote them as well. Create time to attend to visitor’s comments, email letters and manage adverts.

Thus, they require an effective time management skill.

One of the successful bloggers says: “One of the fatal mistakes I see bloggers make is to blog when they feel like it ……  they forget that new fans want more content and they fail to deliver“….. Neil Patel


I can’t explain enough how important these behaviour will help you become a successful blogger.

They are so effective. They work for me and many other bloggers. If implemented, it will work for you too.


What you think and do every day can impact your goal at becoming a successful business blogger.

You must imbibe the attitudes that many successful bloggers practice as lifestyle.

They are:

1. You must be open-minded and have the growth mindset.

Visualize every activity you intend to do as an opportunity to learn.

No matter how skillful you are, always be curious to learn something new.

2. Be passionate about the niche subject and the blogging job. Thinking about it will increase your passion.

3. Be patient with what you want. Never give up.

Challenges you face and overcome are signs of becoming great. They are filled with knowledge and power.

If the activities no longer challenge you, it’s a comfort zone filled with no growth. So, appreciate it as a process and gift. You are near the goldmine.

4. Be laser focus: Follow One Cause Until Successful.

You must exercise the habit of focus. Stick to your strength and stop swaying around.

If you aren’t positioned firmly, you will lose grip, time and resources.

5. Be a risk taker: face challenges and you will be greater than your peers.

6. Practice consistency at every blogging activity.

7. Be original, be yourself. This is where your uniqueness resides.

8. Be entrepreneurial: take advantage of every business opportunities with smart decision.

9. Always research and read.

10. Learn SEO: It is the future.

11. Always network with great and successful minds. You will become great and successful as well.

12. Keep an effective calendar. This is tough to practice but you will be above others.

These traits seem hard, but this is where real business blogging success lives.

Practice them!

Success is not cheap. That’s why you’ve got to work smart on your behaviour to become a successful blogger.

You have to want it, visualize it and keep chasing after it till you get it.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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