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How to Choose a Domain Name for Business Blogging

In This Post

A domain name is a unique identity that represents your business blogging venture.

It’s the name visitors will type into a web address bar to access the information about your business. It represents your business brand. An example is BillBlogger.


Before you register a domain name, prepare at least 3 to 5 names arranged based on priority. In case the first choice has been registered, you can switch to the second choice.

5 Factors that Should Influence the Choice of Domain Name

The choice of domain name for your business blogging must be made with caution.

Once registered, it’s unchangeable. Thus, consider many factors before registration.

The 5 tips to consider are:

1. Let the domain name speaks the message of what you intend to sell.

Let consumers start having the perception of what your business is all about. Add the business keywords to your domain name.

Examples of domain name with business keywords are: outdoorgarden, mathtutor and billblogger.

If you want to sell your skill or establish an online presence for your career with the long-term vision that only you will be doing it, this can be classified as a personal brand.

In this case, your name will be the preferred choice.

I have a client who likes talking about youth entrepreneurship, business plan and network marketing. He made use of his personal name as domain name.

But when a section of his business began growing bigger, he had to create a separate website for it.

Thus, let your domain name speaks what you are selling.

2. Register your domain name in .com extension.

This is relevant if you are in business to make profit. I assume you should because that’s the service we offer.

Nevertheless, an exceptional case is the not-for-profit organization or governmental organization. In this case, the domain name extension will be .org and .gov respectively.

But if the mission to start blogging is for business, .com is the recommended domain name extension.

3. Choose a domain name with 2 to 3 syllable and keep it as short as possible. For instance: BillBlogger has 3 syllables.

It helps with effective communication, memorization and retrieval for use anytime.

4. Avoid using the hyphen symbol [-] such as

You might like a name so much the only option left during registration is to add the hyphen.

Don’t try it because everything you will be doing for your business blogging which include domain name registration isn’t to satisfy yourself but the targeted blog visitors who are consumers.

If consumers find it hard to interact with your name, that’s the beginning of a bad market.

A domain name with a hyphen might be hard to effectively communicate.

People might find it hard to understand quickly.

They can make mistakes while typing it on web address bar. Also, the next time they want to make use of it, they might forget it contains a hyphen.

Remember, first impression is important.

Thus, make the domain name simple and easy for your visitors (not complicated).

5. Make the domain name easy for people to re-collect.

The name must be easy to pronounce and remember.

Perhaps if forgotten, the level of retrieval might be accurate to an extent people will use clues to ask search engines which can lead to discovery.

In conclusion, consider these 5 beneficial factors when you want to register the domain name for your business blogging.

Prepare at least 3 names, make sure there is no hyphen, it contains 2 or 3 syllables and is easy to communicate and remember.

For enquiries about establishing your business blogging for career and business, call 2348069845222, 2348156054944, or email

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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