Deep Understanding of Business Blogging


What is Business Blogging? Business blogging is the practice of creating and regularly updating a blog on a company’s website to attract and engage with its target audience It involves writing articles, posts, videos, podcasts, or other content related to your industry, products, services, or topics relevant to the business and its audience Business blogging […]

Blogging for Career and Business Growth

Blogging is the act of creating and maintaining a weblog, a website or platform (such as LinkedIn or Instagram) where an individual or group of individuals regularly publish content in reverse chronological order. This content can take the form of written articles, photos, videos, or multimedia presentations. It typically covers a wide range of topics, […]

Blogging as a Tool to Build Massive Impact Influence and Income


How can you utilize blogging as a tool for building massive impact, influence and income? To get started: What is blogging? Blogging is an art of keeping records of events about a specific subject matter such as your skill or career. It can be daily, weekly or monthly; in form of documents (text), images (graphic), […]

The Entrepreneur’s Creed for Business Blogger

“I do not choose to be a common man, It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, I seek opportunity … not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen. Humbled and dulled by having the State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; To dream and […]

Search Engine Optimization – The Life Wire of Business Blogging


Search engine optimization (SEO) is an act of configuring website pages for spiders’ easy accessibility so they can be indexed. A spider is a programmed robot search engines used to quickly check millions of web pages and sort them by relevance. An indexed page is spidered and its content is certified as appropriate to be […]

8 Steps to Rank Higher on Google and Create SEO-Friendly Business Blog


An SEO-friendly blog comprises of blog posts and videos that rank higher on search engines such as Google and Bing. You have a better chance of achieving a higher rank if your blog treats a subject that is micro-niche. For example: i. Personal finance management as a subject is broad. But when you divide it […]

How to Capture Email Subscribers with Opt-in page in Business Blogging


I started business blogging with marketing information products while I had training going on the side. As a campus student, I was doing it as a part-time job. I will paste posters at notice boards to advertise the products at hostels and department. I will drop flyers randomly at places such as banks or restaurants. […]

How to Write an Awesome Blog post (Step-by-Step)

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Before you start writing a blog post, put your buyer persona in mind. Express yourself as if you are talking to him one-on-one. Write in simple language and terminologies he understands. Use words the targeted audience is familiar with online. 1. Start with keyword research Before you start an investigation to write blog post, answer […]

How to Create Powerful Contents for Business Blogging


Contents are the currency of business blogging. Content is king. It’s the energy of business blogging. It can be in text, document, graphical image, video and audio format. Contents are the greatest mode of marketing and selling your idea, product or service every day. Without it, you’re not yet in business. Consider it the LIFEBLOOD […]