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8 Steps to Rank Higher on Google and Create SEO-Friendly Business Blog

In This Post

An SEO-friendly blog comprises of blog posts and videos that rank higher on search engines such as Google and Bing.

You have a better chance of achieving a higher rank if your blog treats a subject that is micro-niche.


For example:

i. Personal finance management as a subject is broad.

But when you divide it into pieces and connect it to a market you have the passion, strength, knowledge, and focus to work on and become successful – that’s a micro-niche.

An example is a personal finance for retired army officers, civil servant, and etc.

ii. Gardening as a subject is broad. If you focus on elderly homes as a market, that is a micro-niche.

Micro-niche: gardening for elders’ homes.

iii. Weight loss is a competitive subject. If you understand weight loss for nursing mothers, it is a micro niche to start your business blogging.

Micro-niche: weight loss for nursing mothers.

iv. Relationship is a competitive market as well. A focus on a niche market such as a marital problem due to sexual disorder will be great to start.

Micro-niche: Marital problems due to sexual disorder.

Whether the niche is broad or specific; the important factor is for Google to understand the authoritative subject you are working on.

The building blocks to rank higher on Google and create SEO-friendly blog

1. Compelling and interesting post

The most important factor that will make your blog SEO-friendly is to write and publish compelling, interesting and quality posts.

i. Post readers will like, share, tweet, and pin.

ii. Post other bloggers will like to link with it while researching and writing.

Post with such an excellent performance will be rooted in passion, knowledge, experience, and professionalism.

Nevertheless, don’t be a perfectionist. Publish what you have got. Don’t judge but let readers be the judge.

You will become skillful at writing the more you practice. Thus, publish what you have and let it benefit people. You can always update it with the latest know-how.

2. The headline

An optimized blog post that search engines can understand starts with the headline.

To begin post optimization, answer this question: “what’s the main subject behind the title of this blog post you want to create?”

For example: “11 benefits of home gardening”.

Its main subject is “benefits of home gardening”. Also, it could be “home gardening”

Therefore, the post theme is:benefits, home, and gardening”.

Once you settle for the post theme, create content by naturally adding the theme as its keyword.

Let it appear at the first paragraph, sub-headline(s) and the last paragraph.

Though, this appears compulsory, nevertheless, don’t add it to an extent the message is no more compelling and interesting to read from beginning till the end.

Remember, you are not writing for search engines only but to satisfy readers FIRST. They are your business blog buyer persona.

Whatever post you published, its Google rank will still be increasing if readers like it. This is as a result of shares, consistent traffic, the amount of time people spend on the post and more.

Thus, to create an optimized post, let search engines understand what the post is about: for instance “benefits for home gardening”.

3. SEO settings

In the WordPress publishing tool, there are SEO configuration settings you will perform.

They are:  

i. Focus keyword,

ii. Meta description, and

iii. Slug.

Using “11 benefits of home gardening” as an example, it “focused keywordswill be “benefits, home, and gardening”.

For “meta description”, write a brief summary of the blog post with the keywords meaningfully added.

For “slug”:  use the post headline which already contains the focused keyword or you can use only the focused keyword.

For example:

4. Keyword appearance optimization

Let the keyword appear naturally on the headline (within the first 65 characters as Google will cut the rest from appearing), sub-headline(s) and content especially the first or second paragraph, and the last paragraph.

Don’t deliberately add keyword that will render the message meaningless.

What determines the blog post getting a higher rank status on search engine is when readers like your content.

If you deliberately create low-quality content by stuffing keywords, readers will find the content boring and meaningless.

Ultimately, they won’t find the post on the first page of Google. Thereby losing traffic or getting low search traffic.

Thus, remember quality, relevant and remarkable content remains the king.

5. Mobile friendly blog

Large percentages of searchers are using mobile devices compared to desktop.


Google has detected this development and is urging blog owners to make their website mobile responsive and optimized.

Thus, make sure your website’s mobile responsiveness and optimization are well set-up and design.

6. Image optimization

An optimized image can increase traffic from search engines.

How to optimize an image

i. Name the image with relevant and descriptive words the image truly represents. Search engines can only understand an image through text.

For example, the above image can be described as two women at a conference room.

You can include the blog post keywords if it’s relevant.

Assume the post is about the multi-author blog. The image description will be: two women at conference room multi-author blog

ii. Include the dash sign [-]. For example: “two-women-at-conference-room

iii. After uploading the image, paste the name at the title section and at the alt-text area.


7. Similar topic

Don’t write topics on what you have already published. You might get penalized by Google and Bing for duplicated content.

It’s better to write full-length interesting content that will rank on search engines and keep bringing email subscribers than write multiple blog posts about the same topics.

8. Internal link to the previous or related post

Link to other relevant posts will help readers spend more time on your website. This shows your blog is relevant and filled with rich content.

Readers who come to your blog through Google and stay long enough will increase the significance of the keyword used and Google will keep increasing its ranking score.


The reason is, imagine a visitor come to your blog through Google.

In the process of reading the post, he clicks other posts he found relevant which make him spend more time on the blog.

Analytically, this act gives a clear signal to Google that your blog will be a rich resource for that topic the searcher queried using their search engine.

Google understands this behavior and they will keep increasing the rank of those blog posts till it reaches the first page.

If the blog post is already on the first page, such behavior will strengthen its top position.


The more you publish quality, relevant and useful blog posts for readers and they are well optimized for search engines to understand, the higher the position your blog posts will be ranking.

If your blog posts are already on the first page, its rank position will be strengthening. This will bring more search traffic and follow-up email subscribers to your business.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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