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How to Write an Awesome Blog post (Step-by-Step)

In This Post

Before you start writing a blog post, put your buyer persona in mind.

Express yourself as if you are talking to him one-on-one. Write in simple language and terminologies he understands. Use words the targeted audience is familiar with online.


1. Start with keyword research

Before you start an investigation to write blog post, answer this question “what’s this blog post all about?”

Once you know, ensure the buyer persona is using that same word or phrase.

For instance, you want to write about dog training. To Nigerians, they call it a dog while in another clime; it is called “puppy training.

Thus, a keyword is a phrase or word the buyer persona (an online searcher) will query using the search engine.

For example: “train puppy” is a keyword

Train puppy to sit” is another keyword

Once you know the keyword that matches the term people search for online, use it to write your blog post.

Let the keyword appear in the headline, sub-headline(s), the first three paragraphs, in the middle of the post and the last three paragraphs.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: while writing, don’t compulsorily add keyword to the blog post.

But add it intelligently to keep the message interesting with the natural flow of excitement for reading from beginning till the end.

Remember you are writing for the buyer persona satisfaction first and not for search engines.

If done right, the blog post will become well optimized for search engine to understand it.

The result: it will be displayed for people who want the information on the first page of Google or Bing.

2. Compelling headline

Make the headline title attractive, soul-arresting with attention-grabbing words that build anticipation to open and read more.

The headline must be compelling. It must answer the question it promises in the content.

Remember you will be competing with other blog posts headline on search engines result page; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram newsfeed and other internet media.

Types of headline

There are 2 headline tags (H1 and H2).

H1 is the main headline while H2 is the sub-headline.

Here is an example from Mashable.

This article is about the hoverboard product “Moov”.


The headline reads “Mark Cuban’s Moov is ready to rebuild the hoverboard market”.

It has a sub-headline “Opening Moov”.

The keyword likely used for this blog post will be “Moov”. Consumers are definitely familiar with brand name “Moov”

“Moov” has appeared at headline which is H1 and sub-headline which is H2.

Therefore, when you naturally add a keyword to the headline and sub-headline, it makes search engines optimization for the blog post better.

This helps Google, Bing and other search engines to quickly understand what the blog post is all about. This boosts its search rank for consumers who want the information.

REMEMBER: If the keyword can’t naturally appear without destroying the quality of the message, leave it. Try to create your content and let it make quality sense.

The GOLDEN RULE still abides: write for your consumer FIRST. Speak their words (using the search keyword).

This rule is important for search engines optimization such as Google.

They will still increase the rank of the blog post if you write quality, relevant and remarkable content with the interest of the consumer at heart without deliberately stuffing it with keyword.

The reason is when you are obsessed with quality, relevant and remarkable content, such blog posts will be interesting to read.

If it brings satisfaction, value and benefit to readers, they will share it and its popularity will be increasing.

It’s the popularity that will make search engines such as Google to rank it higher than other related posts because they are aware of the signals that people like it.

But if you destroy the blog post by deliberately adding keywords that makes it meaningless and of poor-quality, hence, the blog post will not gain popularity.

No popularity, no increase in search ranking and no tendency to be found on the first page of Google or second page.

The best attention-grabbing and attractive headline titles

i. Numbered list such as “10 worst pictures”, “10 best pictures”, “9 health benefits”, etc.

A numbered list headline means this post has been well-structured and arranged. That’s how most prospective readers will interpret it.

So he wants to get the information quickly. He wants it fast and simple.

With numbers, he knows the post will be straight to the point, and simple to understand.

From research, numbered list blog post headline attracts the most open clicks.

Also, if the article is not about the numbered list and there is a way you can make the message simple through numbering, do it.

But don’t use it all the time; apply varieties of blog post headline titles.

Thus, take advantage of the numbered list to write a quality blog post.

It’s number 1 and the most preferred reader choice based on online research and evidence.

As long as the article is interesting from the beginning till the end, readers will like it.

Also, notice the use of adjective after the number such as:

– 10 worst pictures: worst,

– 10 best pictures: best, and

– 9 health benefits: healthy.

ii. The “How to” headline titles (followed by your topic ______)

“How to” is one of the best headline blog post titles readers like so much. It also speaks simplicity. It gives an impression the blog post will be straight to the point to what readers want.

iii. Other high performing headline titles are:

a. What you (followed by your topic ____________)

b. Here is

c. Can you

d. Watch this

e. The first

f. Are you

g. What is

NOTE: If you frame the headline as a question, you must add the conclusion.

For example: “Are you confident as a great writer? You should consider these 5 genius writing tips I bet you don’t know.”

3. Blog post introduction

Start your blog post writing with captivating and compelling stories. Then, follow it with the benefits readers will derive from reading it.

Make it compelling such that he will like to continue reading it till the end. This builds anticipation for better things ahead and influences the reader to keep reading.

Though, it’s optional to start with a story. It depends on the topic and scenario where a story plot can be infused to create attention and interesting flow of reading.

Whichever approach, write the blog post as if you are talking to one person, consulting with a patient or client.

The word YOU should be prevalent.

4. Body of content

After an introductory message to the topic, start delivering on the promise you made in the headline. No more beating around the bush.

Because the reader understands what he wants; he found your blog post as the answer and therefore, goes straight to the point.

There is no need for stories that are not helpful.

5. White spaces

Break your post by leaving white spaces.

For example in this article, you can see the whitespaces they left depicted with arrows.

Imagine if 3 or more paragraphs were lump together, people will lose interest at first glance from reading such blog post especially if it is a long post.

Long posts of about at least 600 to 700 words are very good. Their ranking grows higher till they reach the first page of search engines.

I recommend long post but make sure you give room for white spaces for easy readability. You can apply numbering where needful.

Divide some points into sub-headline and numbers such as 1, 2, 3, and etc.

Remember you aren’t writing a novel, a college essay or newspaper editorial article but you are writing to an average buyer persona on the street to read and understand your business.

You are writing for online users whose attention span are short and are probably walking (mobile).

You have to entice them and make the reading experience sweet from beginning to end.

Your goal while writing a blog post is to make the reading experience easy for readers to like and understand.

6. Visual image and video

Add compelling visual images and videos where necessary. It helps explain your writing and corroborate it.

If you can afford the budget, use infographics to explain the message better.

7. Summary

Add summary of key points you have explained at the end.

This is for visitors who like scanning. They like to glance, read the summary and decide either to start reading from beginning or not.

8. Relevant links

While writing the well-researched blog post, add relevant links to resources readers will find useful both within your blog and outside.

This simple act can improve your blog posts search engine ranking.

The reason is links going out of the blog posts especially if it is an authoritative website is a signal to Google and other search engines that, you did a thorough job in writing.

Also, when searchers come to your blog through Google or Bing, they read your blog post and keep clicking other links within the post to read, this behavior will serve as a signal to Google that your blog is a rich resource for that keyword the reader queried on their search engine.

If such a behavior re-occurs many times, it is a good signal ranking factor.

Thus, make sure you link it with a word or phrase readers will be enticed to click and the page must be relevant.

For example, the phrase: “orange, apple, and mango” should be linked with the fruit-related blog post while “kales, spinach, and beetroot” should be linked with a vegetable blog post.

That’s what readers will think when he clicks to read based on the message you are conveying. 

Always think like a reader. Put yourself in the readers mind when linking word or phrase (also called anchor text) with blog posts either within your blog or outside your blog.

9. Share button

Make your blog post is easy to share and to add a comment.

10. Call to action

Add a call-to-action button at the end of the blog post.

After reading, what do you want him to do next? You must command readers to take another action.

You can direct him to sign up for a newsletter, a 5-minute consultation or a free valuable gift in exchange for his email address.

Also, call-to-action can be an image banner.

11. Meta description

When you observe a search engine result page, you will notice a description at the end of each blog post title like the image below.

That is a Meta description.

A Meta description is the blog post summary describing what the article is all about to search engine readers.

Imagine it like 9-seconds sales pitch, selling your blog post to potential readers. Remember, you will be competing with 9 other results on that result page.

Thus, naturally add keyword and make the sentence(s) appears meaningful and compelling to click. If you can’t, leave it.

NOTE: If you are using the WordPress publishing platform, it’s easier to add and customize the Meta description using the Yoast SEO plugin.

The Meta description category will be found at the tail-end of the publishing editor box.

Thus, add a Meta description to your blog post.


12. Categories or tag

Add tags or categories to your blog post. If you are using WordPress, this can be configured easily.

Categories help with the organization of your blog posts for readers to click and read more. For instance, if you want to read all the posts about blogging copywriting, it has been well organized into a category.

If you want to read posts about the foundation of blogging, it has been organized as well.

Tags are division within a category. You can call it sub-category.

If the category for the topic you are blogging is broad, break it down into small part if needful for better organization and understanding.


13. Conclusion

Close the post with readers’ feedback, a funny conclusion or your signature bio.

Readers’ feedback is important; ask for it to understand their level of their satisfaction.

For example:  “these are my own failures and lesson learned for not starting my business blogging early, what is your own. Share your story.”

Also, add your signature as the author. Nevertheless, this is optional if the website has an inbuilt author signature.  

That’s simply the step by step strategy to write an awesome blog post.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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