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9 Ways to Make Money Online

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You are familiar with the online buzzing activities, especially how people make money through it.

There is no secret – they offer services of great value and high demand to their target consumer in return for money. 

In the ages of our fore-fathers where trade by barter was the norm, down to our generation with technological advancement that influences commerce and another lifestyle; there is no big change to how you can make a decent living than assume the job and responsibility to offer your services.

This service is your personal gift, which you’ve been honing into a professional skill.

There are many ways you can offer this service online and make great money, worthy of building a business empire.

1. Freelance

This doesn’t connote free jobs without payment, it means, you’ll be working independently without authority or at the mercy of a boss. It’s a self-employed business.

You will determine the type of jobs you want to do, invent rules and regulations for the job, determine the working hours, price and time duration for execution.

It involves listing your offer on freelance websites for clients to be aware and contact you but you have to play by the company terms and condition.

Likewise, you can establish your own business website.

But it disadvantage when compared to freelance websites that have been well established and publicly known is high traffic.

So, to launch your website, you will need high traffic which involves an effective blogging business strategy and high advertising budget.

In order to start your freelance business, utilize freelance websites to earn a relatively great amount of money first while you learn the ropes of doing the job effectively online; afterwards, you can invest the money in your own business website and launch your brand for greatness.

With a freelance job, building your portfolio is paramount.

Clients want to see your previous works and read customers review.

But, if you’re just starting with no portfolio, a strategy you can utilize to build it is to make your offer affordable, even almost free.

You can offer free services to friends, family, relations, and colleagues, persuade them to give sincere feedback.

This strategy is limited to some service such as to build an object like website design, software, and mobile app or performs an agreed specific task like “sell 1,000 units of this product using Google AdWord”.

Some services are absolutely an exception, for example, a coaching service can’t be offered for free or make affordable because it’s result-driven and involves human management.

So, think through your service if it’s an activity you can build a portfolio using the affordable and almost free strategy.

Some freelance jobs you can do are:

a. Writing: This could be in various forms like articles, video, audio transcript, email newsletter, and advert copy.

b. Creative graphic design like advert banner, logo, and business cards.

c. Translation: This is for the linguistic; who can translate articles, books into another language such as English to Mandarin or French.

d. Programming jobs such as PHP, mobile apps, HTML5, and WordPress theme and plug-in.

e. Customer services such as data entry, virtual assistance, and web research, book-keeping and audio transcription.

f. Others jobs are a photograph, handbill distribution, proofreading, tour guide, and errand services.

Examples of websites you can list your job are Upwork, Fiverr, Airtasker, 99designs, PeoplePerHour, Freelancer, and Iwriter.

2. Digital product

This involves selling your own digital product or you sell on behalf of the owner while being paid on an agreed commission per unit. This type of online business is called affiliate marketing.

Example of companies you can join and become an affiliate member is Clickbank, Amazon associates, Ogadigit, Jumia, Commission junction, Jvzoo, eBay network, and Apple affiliate program

3. Handmade product

If you’re gifted and skilful in creative graphic artworks and handmade crafts, you can sell your products to huge buyers using these online platforms.

They are Craftsvillage, Handmadenigeria, and Bellafricana.

4. Ads revenue share

There are authoritative websites with great traffic of viewers and readers. When you publish quality content that amassed great traffic, they will share the adverts revenue generated with you.

Your job is to publish contents for readers to enjoy and enrich their mind.

The revenue-sharing formula among companies varies, so make findings, read their terms and condition and ask questions before you accept to start the job.

Examples of such websites are YouTube, HubPages, Yahoo contributor network, Newslines, and Digitaljournal.

5. Vlog

If you love making videos about entertainment, tutorials, comedy, video games, personal videos about your life experiences, phenomena that can spark discussions or any subject you love to teach and impact people lives, then vlogging is for you. 

There are online video platforms to utilize, build your TV station and is virtually free to start.

With growing traffic and followers, you’ll make money through your product or service, advertisement, affiliate deals, product endorsement, and business partnership.

Examples of online video platforms are YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, and Metacafe.

6. Website flipping

This is an art of either creating or buying a website, then develops it to a premium standard that worth great value and finally, sells it for a higher and profitable price.

It’s similar to real estate business where you buy a land; build a fabulous house on it and sell it for a higher profit.

How land has great value base on demand and location, it’s the same analogy a website name, all its properties such as traffic, email subscribers, social media followers, and brand reputation have great value.

Examples of website flipping services are Flippa – it is the leading marketplace for selling a website and a place to learn about the business. Others are Sedo and websitebroker.

7. Blogging

Do you love writing? If you don’t, don’t panic; even great writers you admire started with a dot till they keep writing I can do it

Blogging is an art of writing articles and blog posts which can be published daily, weekly or monthly depending on your niche subject.

You’ll make money through advert placement, sponsored contents, and your services and products.

Examples of blogging platforms are Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, and Joomla.

8. Question and answer

There are websites where people ask questions from an expert with vast experience in the field of study for a good fee.

If you feel qualified for a subject, check these websites: Ether and Justanswer.

These websites will pay you good money for giving coherent answers to visitors’ question.

9. Paid surveys

As the name implies, you can make money answering surveys online. Some companies are ready to pay you for your sincere opinion about any object of study.

They are Globaltestmarket, Cashcrate, and Tellwut.

Online business fortress

The potential to make earn millions and even billions is real online. It depends on your passionate gift, your clear vision, creativity, certainty, how you develop this gift into a professional skill and business; your confidence and determination to succeed no matter how many times you fail.

There you have it in your court.

Start thinking; start planning how to get started making money with decent living online.

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Picture of Adekunle Kazeem

Adekunle Kazeem

Mr. Kazeem is a digital marketer and the lead coach at BillBlogger. He likes to write about blogging and its value in advancing your career or growing your business.

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